Monday, September 28, 2009

Halfway done already?!

So this past friday I went to the Dr for my monthly check up and everything is going pretty good. Im 20 weeks and counting! The only concern right is that my placenta is close to my cervix which could pose a problem, but they believe it is going to move up as my uterus gets bigger. I also found out that my DR is moving to their Anthem office, so i'm going to have to find another Dr :(. Im not to excited about that because I really like her. Shes the only one that I have seen for both pregnancies so far. As for the pregnancy I feel great! The baby is moving like crazy and it is so amazing. I forgot the feeling and now that I'm experiencing it again I love it! He moves mostly at night so I have a feeling he is going to be a night owl! I just cant wait to see what he looks like!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's a Boy!

Well today we found out we are having another baby boy! It was a big day for us, Gavin's 2nd birthday and finding out we are having another son! When the lady was doing the ultrasound she was taking measurements and before she even told us it was a boy I saw his penis! We couldn't be happier and I just cant wait to meet the new little man, and also see what a good big brother Gavin will be!
Our little man!
His skeleton face.
His tiny foot.
His little hand.
It's a boy!!

Gavin's 2nd Birthday Party.

This past saturday we had Gavins's second birthday party, it was such a blast! We had it at Amazing Jakes again and Gavin really loved it. Today is his actual birthday and I cannot believe he is 2 years old! The time just flys by.
Gavin reaching for one of his birthday cakes!
We got him an Elmo cake and then my mom got him a cute little cake that he could get into, the only thing is he didnt want to get his hands dirty!
He was being very particular about how he touched the cake!
Last year he didn't care if he was dirty because he had cake everywhere! His hands, hair, legs, clothes!
Look at the difference between his first and
second birthday and how much he's changed!
His favorite part of the party was the presents (of course). He got alot of good stuff and loved it all! He already has so many toys and got so many more from his party, but it will be good for the new baby later on.
His new keyboard from Grammy.
He just loves Elmo and now has tons of Elmo toys!
His little tool set so he can be just like daddy!
A shirt from NaNa that i think he liked, judging by the look on his face.
And some pants from NaNa that it doesnt look like he liked very much!
Overall his party went really well and were so glad that everyone came and had a good time. I think we will be having plenty more parties at Amazing Jakes.