Thursday, August 27, 2009

Smart little boy.

Sometimes I am just so amazed at how smart Gavin is. I was at my moms the other day and he walks over to me with a bottle of Hershey's syrup in his hand and hes saying "milk, milk." Now i had only made him chocolate milk one time, so he recognized the bottle, he knows how to open my moms fridge. Its the small things he does that make me smile. I love watching him learn new things and remember things after only seeing or hearing them one time. Its amazing.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The joys of motherhood.

So this morning i woke to Gavin talking to himself in his crib. So i go in there and he starts crying and looks in the corner of his crib like there is something so terrifying there. I look over where he's looking and there is his dirty diaper, and its all over his sheet. It was no pleasant. So we had to go buy him a new sheet. That will be the last time we put him to bed with no shorts on. On a better note Gavin just started liking pizza! This is such a big deal because he is sooooo picky his diet consists of the same things everyday and it gets boring. Its so hard to get him to try things, but the other night i had pizza and he acted interested so I offered a bite to him and he took it. He kept wanting more so i ripped him some up and put him in his high chair and he ate it all! Now hopefully we can get him to start eating more things.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

baby book

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My baby is growing up.

It has been so amazing to watch this life grow before my eyes. Something that we created. In the post above is a baby book i recently made on shutterfly and it made me realize how much my baby has grown up. I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. The time just flys by so fast. Two years sounds like a long time but now looking back I dont know where the time went. Making this book I got to look back at pictures from my pregnancy all the way up until now. Its so crazy to look at pictures of him from the day he was born, its such a vivid memory in mind. I hope you enjoy the book!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Big brother Gavin.

Well we went for our second Dr's appointment July 31st and we got to hear the babys heartbeat! It was so amazing to know that we are creating another life. We will get to find out the sex of the baby on September 16th, which is Gavins birthday. What an awesome birthday present right? He will get to find out if hes having a brother or sister. As for Gavin he is growing so much it is unbelieveable! I have been baby sitting my friends 3 month old and he just loves him.
He is going to be such a good big brother. I cant believe he will be two years old in exactly one month. It is just so amazing how fast they grow! And i cant wait to do it all over again.